Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Blog assignment, blog story

My Blog Archive 2006/07!

*October 2006*
After finding out lots of tips and appropriate behaviour about having a blog, we registered. After a long instruction about what we’re going to put on the blog we posted a little message to show that we had started the blog. A sort of introduction!

*November 2006.*
We finally posted some real work! Two stories and a poem. The 1st story was called: “The Golden Rules Broken” in which the main characters were Shannon and Danielle. The 2nd subject I posted was called: “DIARY, Plain & Simple” which the main character (written in the first person) was Moira. Our last subject posted in that month was called: “My Poem Made at School” which didn’t actually get posted onto the blog, I was very confused.

*December 2006*
Our two topics to write about then, were arguments for and against and writing Non-Chronological reports. Non-Chronological reports are written in the third person and in present tense, I did my non-chronological reports on cats. The arguments for and against I did was called: “Do Kids choose food with a surprise in to get the toy?” We had to make the subject for the argument ourselves, and it was quite complicated.

*January 2007 (A fresh new year)*

We had two long topics/subjects to write about. One we did in partners and was difficult to do, because we had to write a recipe and had to first THINK of what ingredients are used. We had to think of the ingredients for Spaghetti Bolognese, one of my favourite dishes. I partnered up with Kaori my best friend. We first guessed the ingredients, and I made that into a word document. Then Kaori found the real recipe and wrote it in her own words, which was really nice to compare. The 2nd subject we wrote about in January was a letter of complaint. Mine was called: “Sorry for being late again”. I had typed the title in the document, but it never turned up.

*February 2007*
This month was quite a busy month, with lots to do and type. We learned about Kennings, Limericks and Haikus, which are all types of poems. The kenning was a sort of guessing game, describing the object carefully, but the words you described it with (verbs) had to end in er! A haiku had a pattern: 5-7-5, so 5 syllables 7 syllables and again 5 syllables. A limerick had a pattern called A-A-B-B-A. They were all interesting topics, and pleasant to learn about other poems!

*March 2007*
March’s topics seemed not too many, but they were very long! We had to write a long detective story, we had a lot of preparation in the beginning. We read a whole detective story from the library, listed characters and features we were going to use and the setting! The other thing we had was the nicest thing we did for to put on the blog! We made a summary from the movie Monsters Inc. We watched the whole movie, and wrote a long summary on the movie (not looking on the back of the DVD box for cheating)! My detective story was called: “A drowning nightmare”, with the main character Chenna Diddums.

~My Blog Experience!~

It was the best school experience (computer-wise) ever! Learning peoples’ styles of writing and thinking, and giving positive and good comments were so fantastic. I thought at the beginning, “Am I only going to be reading/doing my own blog?” No, we were checking others out as well and giving feedback/comments. It was nice to actually see how people improved their work so rapidly! was a program where anybody could see your work, but ID7’s way of doing it was appropriate for anyone to see. The teachers could always check work via this resource for a blog.

Improvements for NEXT year

You could maybe add more subjects you typed on the computer. Maybe set a limit per month, e.g.: 3 documents per month!

By a proud student of her computer work,
Shari Hooper (ID7) 2006/07.

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