Thursday, February 08, 2007



For once there was a boy,
And he was full of joy.
He played on his drums,
And hit his thumbs,
But it was only a toy

She was as thin as can be,
But I am taller than she,
What is better,
Thinner or fatter,
Nobody could tell or see.

I crashed into a tree,
Which wasn’t my cup of tea,
I dropped my bag,
What a drag,
How could this all be?!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Gigantic roarer,
Meat eater,
Huge biter,
Big killer,
Human destroyer

II Answer : a LION. ( a lion)

Never cuter,
Mouse slayer,
Human attracter,
Food master,
Bird attacker.

Answer : a cat (a cat)

By shari.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


You have quite sharp spikes,
Will you prick me badly dear?
With your spiky spikes.


Grass is of course green,
With flowers in so perfect,
Both of them … nature.

By Shari Hooper
ID7 .